Helping You Help Your Customer Look & Feel Great!

We have researched and found the best equipment and supplies to provide you with the greatest return on your investment and generate maximum revenue. Phoenix Medical is proud to represent companies with strong technology and impeccable service. One of the most important benefits of working with Phoenix Medical is our  in house support, which you will find is unlike any other company. We pride ourselves on great customer service and continuing assistance long after your equipment has arrived.

Once your business opens, come visit us to participate in our workshops. You can do anything from learn how to perform the perfect consultation to becoming a certified laser technician. We also offer courses to enhance the skills of your aestheticians.

All Products, Furniture and Accessories have been handpicked and tested by Larry Helwig President & CEO of Clearskin Institute of Laser Aesthetics

We have researched and found the best equipment and supplies to provide you with the greatest return on your investment and generate maximum revenue. Phoenix Medical is proud to represent companies with strong technology and impeccable service.